Full Text Database

(Check with Library for access information)

The world’s largest network of library-based content and services.

EBSCO Research Databases
MAS Ultra–Public Library Edition Periodical Database
Professional Development Collection Periodical Database
eBook Collection
Consumer Health Complete
Biography Reference Bank
NoveList Plus
(includes non-fiction titles)
NoveList K-8 Plus
(includes non-fiction titles)
MasterFILE Premier

A to Z Maps
A to Z Maps
Maps (modern and historic) of the world, U.S. and states. Maps of exploration, discovery and war. Climate, Geology, Ecology and Topographical maps. NASA maps and flags of the world.
A to Z: The USA
Includes State, County & City information. With maps, flags, photos and facts for 50 states and 5 Territories.
A to Z: World Culture
Access information on the culture, life cycles, customs, food, language, folklore and maps of 175 different countries.
A to Z: Food – America
Learn about food from around our country.
A to Z: World – Food
Food culture and traditional recipes database for 174 countries.

Education Station: This site is a one-stop destination for PreK-5th grade learning. The site consists of two core pieces of content: learning plans and worksheets. Both are designed to engage children in meaningful, hands-on learning.

Profiles of Illinois (2014/2015)
Goes beyond Census statistics, beyond metro area coverage, beyond the 100 best places to live. Drawn from official census information, other government statistics and original research.

Salem Press Titles
Great Athletes
Careers in the automotive industry

Chilton Automotive Repair The most authoritative automotive repair information available to car owners.

World Book Online goes beyond just being an encyclopedia. With three age specific learning categories that include activities and access to report building tools. Categories include: Early Learning (PreK+), Kids (K-4th grade), Student (5th grade+), and Timelines (5th grade+).

Scholastic Online
Printable activities for any subject: math, science, reading comprehension, STEM, writing, and beyond. Download printable lesson plans, reading passages, games and puzzles, clip art, bulletin board ideas, and skills sheets for kids in any grade.
Use in library            Use from home
Focuses on engaging subject-area science content for students spanning grades 4-9. Each of the units will help hone literacy skills while bolstering understanding of crucial subjects relating to science, technology, and engineering.
Use in library            Use from home

Ancestry.com   Genealogy research–in library use only

Fold3 History and Genealogy Archives
Provides convenient access to US military records, including the stories, photos, and personal documents of the men and women who served
Heritage Quest Online Genealogy research
Newpapers.com (World collection) 
In Library Use              Use from Home

Newspaper Archive (Illinois collection): Newspaper Archive
In Library Use               Use from Home

America’s Historical Newspapers:
Explore early American history to support genealogical and local history research, school homework assignments and more. Available remotely 24/7 on any device.
Explore your family history with the premier collection of U.S. obituaries and death notices for in-depth genealogical research from 1704 – today. HeritageHub helps you easily identify relatives, uncover new information and potentially unknown family members. Includes deep coverage from all 50 states, hard-to-find content from the mid 1900’s, and original obituary images. Access is available 24/7.
Register-News Archives: (2007-2018)
Includes full-text articles on local news, obituaries, issues, events, people and much more.
NOTE: Library Card barcodes that start with the numbers 22864 will not work for remote access. However, you can substitute those numbers with 20183 and it will work.

Learning Express
Adult Core Skills
Improve basic skills and Citizenship test prep.
Career Preparation
Exam prep and skill building
College Students
Skill building, Grad School test prep, SAT, ACT and more
High School Equivalency Center
Test prep for equivalency exams.
School Center
Skill building & test prep for Elementary, Middle & High School