American Memory
Access to written and spoken words, images, sounds, prints, and maps that document the American experience.

Harvard classics, mythology, Gray’s Anatomy, biographies, quotations, dictionaries, thesaurus, and much more.
Calculate anything, anywhere, anytime.

Famous Quotes & Authors
Large collection of Famous quotations for all occasions! Browse over 25,000 quotes online from over 6,700 famous authors.

Gateway Arch
St Louis’ Gateway Arch history and architectural overview.

Internet Public Library
Link to reference information, subject collections, online newspapers and much more.

How Stuff Works
Describes how everyday items and machines work.

Memorial Day History
Includes links to primary resources and information on U.S. War Memorials.

Merriam-Webster Online
Dictionary with free daily puzzles and word games.

Time and Date
Find time in different time zones and create calendars for any year.

Watching America
Read news articles about the United States written in other countries.

The free encyclopedia that anyone can edit. Over 1.6 million articles. (Students: check with your teacher before using as a resource.)