Websites for those who are caring for chronically or terminally ill, or disabled loved ones.

Information and resources for Caregivers.
Find a list of helpful and insightful senior care resources, which include everything from senior care guides, to glossary terms, to financial planning articles, to visual graphics on the state of senior care.
The National Alliance for Caregiving is dedicated to providing support to family caregivers and the professionals who help them and to increasing public awareness of issues facing family caregivers.

Coping with Cancer: Support for Caregivers
A resource for caregivers helping loved ones who have cancer.

National Family Caregiver Support Program
The Caregiver Resource Room is where families, caregivers, and professionals can find information about The National Family Caregiver Support Program, including: where you can turn for support and assistance, and providing services to caregivers.

Assisted Living – Mt Vernon, IL is the nation’s largest senior living and senior care review site.

Senior Lifestyle: “7 Signs of Caregiver Burnout”
Provides insights into recognizing the early signs of caregiver burnout and offers practical advice on how caregivers can manage stress, maintain their well-being, and avoid exhaustion.