Why expand?

C.E. Brehm Memorial Public Library District expanded the Library District in 2003 from 3 townships to 15 out of the 16 townships in Jefferson County. When the building was expanded in 1982, the determination of space was based on the population of the three original townships. So with the increase of the size of the District the Library and the changing ways in which libraries serve their patrons, the Library District finds that it is struggling to find space to provide materials and services it provides. So the decision was made by the Board of Trustees to explore expanding the Library’s facilities to better meet the needs of its patrons.

What has been done?

In May of 2015 the Library District purchased the adjoining property, formerly owned by the VFW. The original plan had been to renovate that building as an Annex, and relocate the Genealogy and Public Internet computes to this building, which would free up much needed space within the main building. In addition a new, larger meeting room would be created in the Annex.

However, after careful examination of the building by profession engineers and architects, it was found to have a number of defects that would make it enormously costly to bring it up to code. So the Board of Trustees decided that it would be best to move forward with building something new.

An Annex committee was form and they attempted to create a fundraising committee, in order to move forward with this change. It was determined that due to the financial concerns at that time, it was best to pause the process and wait for awhile. Then the COVID pandemic put it on hold for a longer period of time.

What happens next?

Now that most of the restrictions brought on by COVID have been lifted, the Library District found itself discussing the issue of expansion once again. The Library Expansion Advisory Panel (LEAP) has been created and they have been working hard. It was decided to retain the services of a full service architectural firm that could help the Library District determine the needs of the District and how to develop that into a building expansion.

The Board of Trustees contracted with Dewberry, an architectural firm that has worked with many libraries in Illinois. They have begun the process to evaluate the needs of the community and the Library District. They are doing several workshops, with staff, Board Trustees/LEAP committee, and with the public, to get as much input as possible in order to develop the best plan for the Library District and its patrons.

Will there be new taxes for this project?

No, there will be no additional tax levy. This project will be funded fully through donations and Special Reserve fund specifically for this purpose. Recently, a generous amount of money was bequeathed to the Library District and these funds are allowing the District to begin again with their expansion plans.

How can you help?

The biggest way to help is to attend our in person or virtual informational meetings with Dewberry. These meeting will allow them to gain input from patrons and the community at large on how to move forward with this expansion. Spread the word, so we can get as much input as possible. Also, consider the possibility of making a donation–even small amounts will add up toward this project. We are currently asking patrons to complete in-person surveys to help us gather information to help us with the expansion project. You will find those at the Circulation Desk, on the first floor.